Hearing Aid Solutions for Specific Hearing Loss Needs

If you have a specific hearing loss need, various options are available. Your audiologist can help you choose the best solution for your needs.

The hearing aid you receive, like Phonak’s hearing aid solutions should be tailored to your specific situation and listening environment based on your unique hearing test results, medical and audiological history, and personal preferences.

In-the-Ear (ITE)

In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aid solutions are designed for specific hearing loss needs. These devices are custom-fit to your ear based on an impression taken by a hearing care professional at the time of your hearing aid consultation.

ITE hearing aids have a battery compartment, microphone, and controls in a case that fits completely inside your ear canal. Some styles can also include telecoils, which allow you to access hearing loops and use landlines more easily.

Some hearing aids have directional microphones to help you focus on conversations in front of you rather than hearing background noise or the sound of people talking behind or to the side. Other features can help you hear better when listening to music, watching television, and streaming audio.

Behind-the-Ear (BTE)

If you have a specific hearing loss need, a behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid may be a good option. These hearing aids can help those with mild to severe hearing loss and are available in various styles, sizes, and power levels.

BTEs are also easier to clean than some other types of hearing aid. Since most components are encased in a shell that sits behind your ear, they don’t come into direct contact with moisture or wax that can cause problems.

Another benefit of this style of hearing aid is that it can be used by those who wear glasses or have dexterity issues. These devices also tend to be less visible than in-ear designs, so they are an ideal choice for people who want to conceal their hearing aid.

A BTE hearing aid has three main parts: the microphone, amplifier, and speaker. The microphone picks up sounds and converts them to electronic signals, which the amplifier sends to a receiver (loudspeaker).

In addition to transforming sound waves into electrical signals, many BTE hearing aids have additional features that make it easier for you to hear in different situations. These include directional microphones, which amplify sounds in a specific direction to a higher level than other sounds, noise reduction, and feedback suppression.

If you’re interested in purchasing a BTE hearing aid, discussing your particular needs with a hearing specialist is important. They can help you choose the right model for your specific hearing loss and provide tips on keeping your hearing aid functioning optimally.

Receiver-in-Canal (RIC)

There is a wide range of hearing aid solutions available to meet specific hearing loss needs. Two often recommended styles are behind-the-ear (BTE) and receiver-in-canal (RIC).

BTE devices feature a hard case, or shell, that sits behind the ear. They can be worn comfortably and are suitable for most hearing loss.

On the other hand, RIC devices are much smaller and more discreet. They use a thin micro tube extending from the body of the device over the ear canal into the ear, and a speaker is placed at the end of this tube.

As generated sound only travels a short distance, lower transmission loss and less energy and battery power are required for excellent listening results.

These benefits make RIC devices one of the most flexible and comfortable hearing aids. They are especially popular with mild to moderate hearing loss and a light-to-moderate activity level.

Directional Microphones

A directional microphone, a hearing aid solution, can help you hear people’s voices in a noisy environment at normal volumes. This is important because it helps you distinguish speech from background noises.

Directional microphones are used in many hearing aids, from simple, front-facing designs to more advanced, adaptive models that work with your hearing aid’s noise-reduction technology. The simplest directional microphones focus on amplifying the volume of important sounds from a specific location, like someone saying your name.

A directional microphone works by sampling sound at two locations on the microphone’s diaphragm. The difference in the arrival time of sounds to each of the microphones, called “internal delay,” allows a directional microphone to attenuate or highlight sounds selectively.


Bluetooth hearing aid solutions are a great solution for specific hearing loss needs. They allow users to wirelessly connect their hearing aids to many other electronic devices, making it easier to listen to music, make phone calls, watch TV, and more.

Unlike other hearing aid options, which only receive the audio signals through the ear canal, a wireless BT model will also transmit sound to your ears via a 2.4GHz radio signal. This gives a softer, more personalized sound with no whistling or feedback noises.

Most BT models will work with both Apple and Android devices. In some cases, they will even be able to connect directly to the device.

In other cases, they will require a streamer – an inexpensive device that acts as a wireless transmitter between your hearing aids and the connected devices. This enables your hearing aids to act as Bluetooth receivers for the connected devices, streaming audio directly into your ears.

For people with tinnitus, Bluetooth hearing aids can stream audio from ReSound’s tinnitus treatment app to help you get relief and manage your symptoms. The app will also enable you to create custom routines to fit your needs.

Bluetooth is one of the simplest and easiest ways to connect your hearing aids with other electronic devices. But there are other options out there – talk to your local hearing care professional to learn more about what options are available.

By Paul

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